Bridging the gap between women’s sexual wellness and holistic healthcare.

Full-Body Alignment & Sexual Vitality

When the body is in complete alignment, the sensation is undeniable. Every cell is in harmony, guided by an intrinsic life-force current that enhances an individual’s most potent source of energy: their sexual vitality.

Esmé SX offers a paradigm shift; providing a more complete picture of human sexuality: physical, psychological, emotional, social and spiritual to demonstrate a new way forward.

Synchronized with Innate Sensuality

Our mission is to expand sexual horizons through a combination of:

  • Revolutionary advancements in sexual health technology

  • A knowledgeable and engaged community

  • Comprehensive sexual wellness education

Passionate about the vital life force within, we integrate cutting-edge sexual health technology, supportive community engagement, and the power of education to guide individuals toward a profound sexual awakening. In all ways, we empower your journey.

To Unfurl

Sexual Wellness is a personal journey. It requires fidelity to oneself and resolution to the embodiment of our most authentic creative expression - our sexuality.

Aligned to our inner authority - our intuition, we faithfully meet ourselves with honesty, integrity and grace.

Demystifying the Female Orgasm

From ancient wisdom traditions to cutting edge innovation, our research identifies the primary factors as to why one half of all women are not satisfied with how often they reach orgasm or why 1 in 10 women have never had an orgasm – and most, at some point, will have “a hard time” reaching orgasm with a partner.

Mind Body Coherence

Our essential ingredient in developing a product that provides ecstatic states of bliss - without it, sex simply becomes mechanical and routine.

Sexual response involves the mind and body working together in a complex way. Our product not only targets the clitoris with our handheld wand device but is coupled with premium earbuds equipped with the latest in- ear infrasonic technology and 8D audio sound to create a theta state of mind measuring orgasm in real-time with accuracy and frequency.

Eroticism as Flow

The body’s greatest strength lies not in physical force but in alignment. The sensation of "flow"—a heightened state of cognitive and physiological synergy—is the body’s most natural state.

Our technology is designed to support individuals in accessing and maintaining this state of flow, enhancing erotic connection beyond the immediate moment. By aligning with the body's unique rhythms, Esmé SX encourages deeper embodiment and easefully expanded pleasure.

Expanding Pleasure Beyond Current Understanding

Unlike conventional sexual wellness devices, Esmé SX is designed to dynamically interact with the user’s unique energetic field. As physiological responses—such as increased heart rate and electrical impulses—activate during arousal, Esmé SX responds in real-time, attuning to the user’s specific erotic frequency.

This revolutionary alignment system allows the body to fully relax into its natural state of pleasure, creating a deeply personal and immersive experience.

Pulsing with Innate Capability

Through physiological synchronization, the body is guided toward its optimal frequency for pleasure. Our technology ensures that:

  • The user is always aligned with their body’s natural capabilities

  • The experience is intuitive and effortless—there is no “getting it wrong”

  • Sensory engagement leads to a deeper, more expansive understanding of pleasure

Our products and courses are strategically designed to illuminate the whole person. Valuing honesty, integrity and authenticity, we view life and the world around us intrinsically interconnected.

Begin your sexual wellness journey with Esmé SX

Contact us.

For media, partnership, or pilot study inquiries, please reach out directly:
Seattle, WA